With support from the FY2024 Supplementary Budget received from the Government of Japan, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Member Associations will initiate humanitarian activities in three countries, namely Afghanistan, Lebanon and Yemen, aimed at protecting the health and lives of vulnerable populations affected by local crises through the community-based provision of sexual and reproductive health and essential health services, including maternal and child health, in the following areas:
- Afghanistan: Logar and Parwan Provinces
- Lebanon: Bekaar Valley
- Yemen: Aden and Amran Governorates
All the three projects aim to increase people’s access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender-based violence (GBV) related care and information. They also seek to strengthen the capacity of service providers to deliver rights-based, quality, and client-centered services, as well as to empower peer educators and community members to raise awareness of SRHR and related health issues. By leveraging and expanding local networks, knowledge, human resources and facilities developed through years of grassroots activities in each country, IPPF will expand the impact of its work and create sustainable change in people's lives.
The IPPF Director General, Dr Alvaro Bemejo, said, "We sincerely appreciate the support of the Government of Japan at this time of great concern for the future of global peace, health and well-being. . While Afghanistan, Lebanon and Yemen face their own unique challenges, our community-based Member Associations will maximise the use of this valuable funding received from Japan to work to protect the health, well-being and lives of vulnerable populations affected by crises. In doing so, we will contribute to the realisation of human security so that people can live with dignity, free from ill health and the fear of violence."
By the end of February 2026, IPPF, through its local Member Associations, aims to deliver health services to 83,595 people and train 222 health service providers and peer educators across the three countries.
For further information, please contact Hanna Lund Adcock (in English, at hadcock@ippf.org) and Yuri Taniguchi (in Japanese, at ytaniguchi@ippf.org).
Yemen, Lebanon
South Asia, Arab World
Related Member Association
Afghan Family Guidance Association, Yemeni Association for Reproductive Health, Lebanese Association for Family Health