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Member Associations

Reproductive Health Uganda logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Reproductive Health Uganda

Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) is an indigenous, voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. The association has long-standing experience and expertise providing integrated comprehensive SRHR information and services which include sexuality education, family planning (FP), HIV prevention, care and treatment, breast and cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) management, immunisation, etc.   RHU is proud to be associated with pioneering family planning in Uganda. For more than 60 years RHU has been involved in SRHR service provision and advocacy programmes that have defined the SRHR landscape in the country.   Annually RHU provides more than seven (7) million life-saving, affordable, accessible and quality SRHR information and services to the most vulnerable and underserved communities including young people, refugees, and those in hard to reach areas totalling more than 1.2 million people. RHU implements several programmes in humanitarian settings in up to ten (10) refugee settlements.   This is possible through the 19 RHU owned clinics with youth centres, located in the different regions of the country on top of having a franchise clinics totally 60. And a large service delivery network of about 25 outreach teams and over 6,000 community resource persons, conducting over 1,000 outreaches annually.   Our Vision: A Uganda where everyone’s SRHR are fulfilled and protected without discrimination   Our Mission: To champion, provide and enable universal access to rights based SRHR information and services to vulnerable and underserved communities especially young people   Our Values: Voluntarism; Rights Based, Integrity, Choice and Result Oriented  RHU is held in high repute among partners. RHIU has previously chaired of the Uganda Family Planning Consortium - a platform that brings together more than 15 major family planning partners. We are the current deputy chair of the Coalition to End Maternal Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion, we sit on many working groups in the ministries of health, gender and education. We lead a number of platforms that bring together different SRHR partners implementing specific advocacy interventions.    

Reproductive Health Uganda logo

| 31 March 2016

Reproductive Health Uganda

Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) is an indigenous, voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. The association has long-standing experience and expertise providing integrated comprehensive SRHR information and services which include sexuality education, family planning (FP), HIV prevention, care and treatment, breast and cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) management, immunisation, etc.   RHU is proud to be associated with pioneering family planning in Uganda. For more than 60 years RHU has been involved in SRHR service provision and advocacy programmes that have defined the SRHR landscape in the country.   Annually RHU provides more than seven (7) million life-saving, affordable, accessible and quality SRHR information and services to the most vulnerable and underserved communities including young people, refugees, and those in hard to reach areas totalling more than 1.2 million people. RHU implements several programmes in humanitarian settings in up to ten (10) refugee settlements.   This is possible through the 19 RHU owned clinics with youth centres, located in the different regions of the country on top of having a franchise clinics totally 60. And a large service delivery network of about 25 outreach teams and over 6,000 community resource persons, conducting over 1,000 outreaches annually.   Our Vision: A Uganda where everyone’s SRHR are fulfilled and protected without discrimination   Our Mission: To champion, provide and enable universal access to rights based SRHR information and services to vulnerable and underserved communities especially young people   Our Values: Voluntarism; Rights Based, Integrity, Choice and Result Oriented  RHU is held in high repute among partners. RHIU has previously chaired of the Uganda Family Planning Consortium - a platform that brings together more than 15 major family planning partners. We are the current deputy chair of the Coalition to End Maternal Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion, we sit on many working groups in the ministries of health, gender and education. We lead a number of platforms that bring together different SRHR partners implementing specific advocacy interventions.    

Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar

Guinea-Bissau is one tenth the size of its neighbour Guinea-Conakry, but its people suffer equally distressing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) problems. The Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar was established in 1993 to address the major issue in family planning: equipping couples to make active, informed choices about the number of children they would have, and when they would have them.   Since then, the Member Association’s work has expanded to embrace a full range of SRH concerns. It provides young people with information, education and communication (IEC) and behaviour change communication (BCC) around sexual and reproductive health; it works on the prevention, diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) includind HIV; it provides post-abortion care and support; it provides care for victims of gender-based violence (GBV); and it advocates strongly at government level for legislation to prevent GBV. Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar achieved these results through a small but committed team that operate over hundred service points, including static clinics and community-based service points. Despite the relatively small size of the organization, it is growing rapidly with strong central support from IPPF, influential government partnerships, and backing from non-governmental organizations including UNFPA.


| 31 March 2016

Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar

Guinea-Bissau is one tenth the size of its neighbour Guinea-Conakry, but its people suffer equally distressing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) problems. The Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar was established in 1993 to address the major issue in family planning: equipping couples to make active, informed choices about the number of children they would have, and when they would have them.   Since then, the Member Association’s work has expanded to embrace a full range of SRH concerns. It provides young people with information, education and communication (IEC) and behaviour change communication (BCC) around sexual and reproductive health; it works on the prevention, diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) includind HIV; it provides post-abortion care and support; it provides care for victims of gender-based violence (GBV); and it advocates strongly at government level for legislation to prevent GBV. Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar achieved these results through a small but committed team that operate over hundred service points, including static clinics and community-based service points. Despite the relatively small size of the organization, it is growing rapidly with strong central support from IPPF, influential government partnerships, and backing from non-governmental organizations including UNFPA.

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction

The Tunisian Association for Reproductive Health (ATSR), created in April 1968, works in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and promotes rights through a multi-sectoral partnership.  ATSR provides and facilitates access to SRH information and services, particularly for women, young people and the most underserved and vulnerable populations including migrants and refugees, LGBT, PLHIV, and sex workers.   ATSR also provides comprehensive sexuality education programmes for young people in and out of school to develop their capacity to empower themselves and assert their right to dignity, equality and a healthy, satisfying and responsible sexual life. ATSR has five service delivery centres and three mobile units. In 2020, ATSR provided approximately 200,000 SRH services to 40,000 beneficiaries.  

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction logo

| 31 March 2016

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction

The Tunisian Association for Reproductive Health (ATSR), created in April 1968, works in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and promotes rights through a multi-sectoral partnership.  ATSR provides and facilitates access to SRH information and services, particularly for women, young people and the most underserved and vulnerable populations including migrants and refugees, LGBT, PLHIV, and sex workers.   ATSR also provides comprehensive sexuality education programmes for young people in and out of school to develop their capacity to empower themselves and assert their right to dignity, equality and a healthy, satisfying and responsible sexual life. ATSR has five service delivery centres and three mobile units. In 2020, ATSR provided approximately 200,000 SRH services to 40,000 beneficiaries.  

Syrian Family Planning Association logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Syrian Family Planning Association

The Syrian Family Planning Association was created at 1974. SFPA's strategic framework for the period 2016-2022 includes: Our vision: Syrian society enjoys sexual and reproductive health and rights based on free choices without any discrimination. Our mission: To lead a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that provides and enables services and champions sexual and reproductive health and rights for all especially undeserved. Our values: Social inclusion, commitment, diversity, respect, passion, volunteerism, accountability. To achieve the mission and vision the Syrian Family Planning strategic framework have the number of 4 outcomes each one includes 2 priority objectives as following: Outcome 1: The government respects, protects and activates sexual and reproductive rights and equal gender opportunities. Gaining support of decision-makers, opinion leaders and parliamentarians obligation to carry out the necessary amendments in legislation, policies and practices. Empowerment of youth and women's leaders and their engagement as advocates for change.  Outcome 2: 2,300,000 people have free choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights and protected from gender based violence. Enable young people to access comprehensive sexual education. Raising community awareness through engagement of champions, opinion formers and the media to promote health, choice and rights. Outcome 3: 24.5 million quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services delivered, particularly in humanitarian cases. Deliver integrated package of sexual and reproductive health services, especially in humanitarian cases. Enable sexual and reproductive health services among partners, particularly in humanitarian cases. Outcome 4: A high performing, united, committed and accountable association. Enhance operational effectiveness and double income at the national level. Enhance our volunteer and activist supporter base. SFPA branches distributed all over Syria in 13 governorates (Syria have 14 governorate, AlRaqa still out of the government control).  SFPA is running several projects related sexual reproductive health, focusing on maternal and child health, during the crisis SFPA expand  its services delivery points and do integration for gender base violence counselling services in all its health services using psychosocial support, and case manager. The SFPA Services delivery points at the 13th governorates are as following: 43 paediatric static clinics. 29 mobile team paediatricians. 14 mobile teams for malnutrition screening. 38 RH static clinics. 25 medical RH mobile teams. 1 obstetric and delivery hospital. 1 mammogram. 18 women and girls safe spaces /WGSS/. 24 PSS mobile teams supporting WGSS. 12 youth centers. The framework of SFPA activities focus on the following fields: SRH, Sexual reproductive health. GBV, gender base violence. Child health. Malnutrition prevention for pregnant woman and children under 5. Number of SFPA volunteers around 650, number of SFPA employees around 980.         

Syrian Family Planning Association logo

| 31 March 2016

Syrian Family Planning Association

The Syrian Family Planning Association was created at 1974. SFPA's strategic framework for the period 2016-2022 includes: Our vision: Syrian society enjoys sexual and reproductive health and rights based on free choices without any discrimination. Our mission: To lead a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that provides and enables services and champions sexual and reproductive health and rights for all especially undeserved. Our values: Social inclusion, commitment, diversity, respect, passion, volunteerism, accountability. To achieve the mission and vision the Syrian Family Planning strategic framework have the number of 4 outcomes each one includes 2 priority objectives as following: Outcome 1: The government respects, protects and activates sexual and reproductive rights and equal gender opportunities. Gaining support of decision-makers, opinion leaders and parliamentarians obligation to carry out the necessary amendments in legislation, policies and practices. Empowerment of youth and women's leaders and their engagement as advocates for change.  Outcome 2: 2,300,000 people have free choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights and protected from gender based violence. Enable young people to access comprehensive sexual education. Raising community awareness through engagement of champions, opinion formers and the media to promote health, choice and rights. Outcome 3: 24.5 million quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services delivered, particularly in humanitarian cases. Deliver integrated package of sexual and reproductive health services, especially in humanitarian cases. Enable sexual and reproductive health services among partners, particularly in humanitarian cases. Outcome 4: A high performing, united, committed and accountable association. Enhance operational effectiveness and double income at the national level. Enhance our volunteer and activist supporter base. SFPA branches distributed all over Syria in 13 governorates (Syria have 14 governorate, AlRaqa still out of the government control).  SFPA is running several projects related sexual reproductive health, focusing on maternal and child health, during the crisis SFPA expand  its services delivery points and do integration for gender base violence counselling services in all its health services using psychosocial support, and case manager. The SFPA Services delivery points at the 13th governorates are as following: 43 paediatric static clinics. 29 mobile team paediatricians. 14 mobile teams for malnutrition screening. 38 RH static clinics. 25 medical RH mobile teams. 1 obstetric and delivery hospital. 1 mammogram. 18 women and girls safe spaces /WGSS/. 24 PSS mobile teams supporting WGSS. 12 youth centers. The framework of SFPA activities focus on the following fields: SRH, Sexual reproductive health. GBV, gender base violence. Child health. Malnutrition prevention for pregnant woman and children under 5. Number of SFPA volunteers around 650, number of SFPA employees around 980.         

Sudan Family Planning Association logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Sudan Family Planning Association

The Sudan Family Planning Association (SFPA) was established in 1965 by pioneers in obstetrics and gynaecology in response to increases in maternal, neonatal and infant mortality and morbidity. As the statistics show, Sudan is a country in great need of frontline sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Advocacy, and undertaking information, education and communication (IEC) programmes are critical. SFPA is one of the leading organizations in Sudan providing a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. A rights-based organisation, SFPA is part of the global movement of strong voices safeguarding SRHR issues. SFPA is pioneer in providing youth friendly services and educational reproductive health information for young people. A major priority for SFPA is improving the status of women and enhancing their understanding of their rights. The organization aligns SRH closely with development initiatives for women. Economic independence, or the capacity to make a significant contribution to a family’s income, empowers women, and with economic empowerment comes the potential for greater control over reproductive health and family planning. In Sudan (particularly in rural areas) harmful practices such as female genital mutilation are widespread. SFPA is vigorous in combating FGM. SFPA has played a key role in the design, testing and implementation of the HIV and AIDS Stigma Index, and has undertaken critical work in HIV prevention initiatives amongst at-risk groups. It’s a founder member of the Sudan AIDS Network (SAN). It’s highly active as a technical adviser to the government on population policy, and it advocates strenuously for financial and political support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).    

Sudan Family Planning Association logo

| 31 March 2016

Sudan Family Planning Association

The Sudan Family Planning Association (SFPA) was established in 1965 by pioneers in obstetrics and gynaecology in response to increases in maternal, neonatal and infant mortality and morbidity. As the statistics show, Sudan is a country in great need of frontline sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Advocacy, and undertaking information, education and communication (IEC) programmes are critical. SFPA is one of the leading organizations in Sudan providing a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. A rights-based organisation, SFPA is part of the global movement of strong voices safeguarding SRHR issues. SFPA is pioneer in providing youth friendly services and educational reproductive health information for young people. A major priority for SFPA is improving the status of women and enhancing their understanding of their rights. The organization aligns SRH closely with development initiatives for women. Economic independence, or the capacity to make a significant contribution to a family’s income, empowers women, and with economic empowerment comes the potential for greater control over reproductive health and family planning. In Sudan (particularly in rural areas) harmful practices such as female genital mutilation are widespread. SFPA is vigorous in combating FGM. SFPA has played a key role in the design, testing and implementation of the HIV and AIDS Stigma Index, and has undertaken critical work in HIV prevention initiatives amongst at-risk groups. It’s a founder member of the Sudan AIDS Network (SAN). It’s highly active as a technical adviser to the government on population policy, and it advocates strenuously for financial and political support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).    

Somaliland Family Health Association logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Somaliland Family Health Association

The Somaliland Family Health Association (SOFHA) is a community-based organization rooted in improving the SRHR lives of the communities we serve. Our aim is to provide more direct SRH services, advance legislation that supports quality SRHR and reach a broad range of community members, especially young people and the poor.  In our 2 clinics we serve around 4000 women and girls each year. We provide comprehensive integrated SRH services including antenatal, postnatal, delivery, family planning and paediatric services. We also reach 1,000s of women, young people and men each year in our community health education programmes.   

Somaliland Family Health Association logo

| 31 March 2016

Somaliland Family Health Association

The Somaliland Family Health Association (SOFHA) is a community-based organization rooted in improving the SRHR lives of the communities we serve. Our aim is to provide more direct SRH services, advance legislation that supports quality SRHR and reach a broad range of community members, especially young people and the poor.  In our 2 clinics we serve around 4000 women and girls each year. We provide comprehensive integrated SRH services including antenatal, postnatal, delivery, family planning and paediatric services. We also reach 1,000s of women, young people and men each year in our community health education programmes.   

Reproductive Health Uganda logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Reproductive Health Uganda

Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) is an indigenous, voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. The association has long-standing experience and expertise providing integrated comprehensive SRHR information and services which include sexuality education, family planning (FP), HIV prevention, care and treatment, breast and cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) management, immunisation, etc.   RHU is proud to be associated with pioneering family planning in Uganda. For more than 60 years RHU has been involved in SRHR service provision and advocacy programmes that have defined the SRHR landscape in the country.   Annually RHU provides more than seven (7) million life-saving, affordable, accessible and quality SRHR information and services to the most vulnerable and underserved communities including young people, refugees, and those in hard to reach areas totalling more than 1.2 million people. RHU implements several programmes in humanitarian settings in up to ten (10) refugee settlements.   This is possible through the 19 RHU owned clinics with youth centres, located in the different regions of the country on top of having a franchise clinics totally 60. And a large service delivery network of about 25 outreach teams and over 6,000 community resource persons, conducting over 1,000 outreaches annually.   Our Vision: A Uganda where everyone’s SRHR are fulfilled and protected without discrimination   Our Mission: To champion, provide and enable universal access to rights based SRHR information and services to vulnerable and underserved communities especially young people   Our Values: Voluntarism; Rights Based, Integrity, Choice and Result Oriented  RHU is held in high repute among partners. RHIU has previously chaired of the Uganda Family Planning Consortium - a platform that brings together more than 15 major family planning partners. We are the current deputy chair of the Coalition to End Maternal Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion, we sit on many working groups in the ministries of health, gender and education. We lead a number of platforms that bring together different SRHR partners implementing specific advocacy interventions.    

Reproductive Health Uganda logo

| 31 March 2016

Reproductive Health Uganda

Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) is an indigenous, voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. The association has long-standing experience and expertise providing integrated comprehensive SRHR information and services which include sexuality education, family planning (FP), HIV prevention, care and treatment, breast and cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) management, immunisation, etc.   RHU is proud to be associated with pioneering family planning in Uganda. For more than 60 years RHU has been involved in SRHR service provision and advocacy programmes that have defined the SRHR landscape in the country.   Annually RHU provides more than seven (7) million life-saving, affordable, accessible and quality SRHR information and services to the most vulnerable and underserved communities including young people, refugees, and those in hard to reach areas totalling more than 1.2 million people. RHU implements several programmes in humanitarian settings in up to ten (10) refugee settlements.   This is possible through the 19 RHU owned clinics with youth centres, located in the different regions of the country on top of having a franchise clinics totally 60. And a large service delivery network of about 25 outreach teams and over 6,000 community resource persons, conducting over 1,000 outreaches annually.   Our Vision: A Uganda where everyone’s SRHR are fulfilled and protected without discrimination   Our Mission: To champion, provide and enable universal access to rights based SRHR information and services to vulnerable and underserved communities especially young people   Our Values: Voluntarism; Rights Based, Integrity, Choice and Result Oriented  RHU is held in high repute among partners. RHIU has previously chaired of the Uganda Family Planning Consortium - a platform that brings together more than 15 major family planning partners. We are the current deputy chair of the Coalition to End Maternal Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion, we sit on many working groups in the ministries of health, gender and education. We lead a number of platforms that bring together different SRHR partners implementing specific advocacy interventions.    

Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar

Guinea-Bissau is one tenth the size of its neighbour Guinea-Conakry, but its people suffer equally distressing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) problems. The Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar was established in 1993 to address the major issue in family planning: equipping couples to make active, informed choices about the number of children they would have, and when they would have them.   Since then, the Member Association’s work has expanded to embrace a full range of SRH concerns. It provides young people with information, education and communication (IEC) and behaviour change communication (BCC) around sexual and reproductive health; it works on the prevention, diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) includind HIV; it provides post-abortion care and support; it provides care for victims of gender-based violence (GBV); and it advocates strongly at government level for legislation to prevent GBV. Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar achieved these results through a small but committed team that operate over hundred service points, including static clinics and community-based service points. Despite the relatively small size of the organization, it is growing rapidly with strong central support from IPPF, influential government partnerships, and backing from non-governmental organizations including UNFPA.


| 31 March 2016

Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar

Guinea-Bissau is one tenth the size of its neighbour Guinea-Conakry, but its people suffer equally distressing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) problems. The Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar was established in 1993 to address the major issue in family planning: equipping couples to make active, informed choices about the number of children they would have, and when they would have them.   Since then, the Member Association’s work has expanded to embrace a full range of SRH concerns. It provides young people with information, education and communication (IEC) and behaviour change communication (BCC) around sexual and reproductive health; it works on the prevention, diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) includind HIV; it provides post-abortion care and support; it provides care for victims of gender-based violence (GBV); and it advocates strongly at government level for legislation to prevent GBV. Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar achieved these results through a small but committed team that operate over hundred service points, including static clinics and community-based service points. Despite the relatively small size of the organization, it is growing rapidly with strong central support from IPPF, influential government partnerships, and backing from non-governmental organizations including UNFPA.

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction

The Tunisian Association for Reproductive Health (ATSR), created in April 1968, works in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and promotes rights through a multi-sectoral partnership.  ATSR provides and facilitates access to SRH information and services, particularly for women, young people and the most underserved and vulnerable populations including migrants and refugees, LGBT, PLHIV, and sex workers.   ATSR also provides comprehensive sexuality education programmes for young people in and out of school to develop their capacity to empower themselves and assert their right to dignity, equality and a healthy, satisfying and responsible sexual life. ATSR has five service delivery centres and three mobile units. In 2020, ATSR provided approximately 200,000 SRH services to 40,000 beneficiaries.  

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction logo

| 31 March 2016

Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction

The Tunisian Association for Reproductive Health (ATSR), created in April 1968, works in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and promotes rights through a multi-sectoral partnership.  ATSR provides and facilitates access to SRH information and services, particularly for women, young people and the most underserved and vulnerable populations including migrants and refugees, LGBT, PLHIV, and sex workers.   ATSR also provides comprehensive sexuality education programmes for young people in and out of school to develop their capacity to empower themselves and assert their right to dignity, equality and a healthy, satisfying and responsible sexual life. ATSR has five service delivery centres and three mobile units. In 2020, ATSR provided approximately 200,000 SRH services to 40,000 beneficiaries.  

Syrian Family Planning Association logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Syrian Family Planning Association

The Syrian Family Planning Association was created at 1974. SFPA's strategic framework for the period 2016-2022 includes: Our vision: Syrian society enjoys sexual and reproductive health and rights based on free choices without any discrimination. Our mission: To lead a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that provides and enables services and champions sexual and reproductive health and rights for all especially undeserved. Our values: Social inclusion, commitment, diversity, respect, passion, volunteerism, accountability. To achieve the mission and vision the Syrian Family Planning strategic framework have the number of 4 outcomes each one includes 2 priority objectives as following: Outcome 1: The government respects, protects and activates sexual and reproductive rights and equal gender opportunities. Gaining support of decision-makers, opinion leaders and parliamentarians obligation to carry out the necessary amendments in legislation, policies and practices. Empowerment of youth and women's leaders and their engagement as advocates for change.  Outcome 2: 2,300,000 people have free choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights and protected from gender based violence. Enable young people to access comprehensive sexual education. Raising community awareness through engagement of champions, opinion formers and the media to promote health, choice and rights. Outcome 3: 24.5 million quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services delivered, particularly in humanitarian cases. Deliver integrated package of sexual and reproductive health services, especially in humanitarian cases. Enable sexual and reproductive health services among partners, particularly in humanitarian cases. Outcome 4: A high performing, united, committed and accountable association. Enhance operational effectiveness and double income at the national level. Enhance our volunteer and activist supporter base. SFPA branches distributed all over Syria in 13 governorates (Syria have 14 governorate, AlRaqa still out of the government control).  SFPA is running several projects related sexual reproductive health, focusing on maternal and child health, during the crisis SFPA expand  its services delivery points and do integration for gender base violence counselling services in all its health services using psychosocial support, and case manager. The SFPA Services delivery points at the 13th governorates are as following: 43 paediatric static clinics. 29 mobile team paediatricians. 14 mobile teams for malnutrition screening. 38 RH static clinics. 25 medical RH mobile teams. 1 obstetric and delivery hospital. 1 mammogram. 18 women and girls safe spaces /WGSS/. 24 PSS mobile teams supporting WGSS. 12 youth centers. The framework of SFPA activities focus on the following fields: SRH, Sexual reproductive health. GBV, gender base violence. Child health. Malnutrition prevention for pregnant woman and children under 5. Number of SFPA volunteers around 650, number of SFPA employees around 980.         

Syrian Family Planning Association logo

| 31 March 2016

Syrian Family Planning Association

The Syrian Family Planning Association was created at 1974. SFPA's strategic framework for the period 2016-2022 includes: Our vision: Syrian society enjoys sexual and reproductive health and rights based on free choices without any discrimination. Our mission: To lead a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that provides and enables services and champions sexual and reproductive health and rights for all especially undeserved. Our values: Social inclusion, commitment, diversity, respect, passion, volunteerism, accountability. To achieve the mission and vision the Syrian Family Planning strategic framework have the number of 4 outcomes each one includes 2 priority objectives as following: Outcome 1: The government respects, protects and activates sexual and reproductive rights and equal gender opportunities. Gaining support of decision-makers, opinion leaders and parliamentarians obligation to carry out the necessary amendments in legislation, policies and practices. Empowerment of youth and women's leaders and their engagement as advocates for change.  Outcome 2: 2,300,000 people have free choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights and protected from gender based violence. Enable young people to access comprehensive sexual education. Raising community awareness through engagement of champions, opinion formers and the media to promote health, choice and rights. Outcome 3: 24.5 million quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services delivered, particularly in humanitarian cases. Deliver integrated package of sexual and reproductive health services, especially in humanitarian cases. Enable sexual and reproductive health services among partners, particularly in humanitarian cases. Outcome 4: A high performing, united, committed and accountable association. Enhance operational effectiveness and double income at the national level. Enhance our volunteer and activist supporter base. SFPA branches distributed all over Syria in 13 governorates (Syria have 14 governorate, AlRaqa still out of the government control).  SFPA is running several projects related sexual reproductive health, focusing on maternal and child health, during the crisis SFPA expand  its services delivery points and do integration for gender base violence counselling services in all its health services using psychosocial support, and case manager. The SFPA Services delivery points at the 13th governorates are as following: 43 paediatric static clinics. 29 mobile team paediatricians. 14 mobile teams for malnutrition screening. 38 RH static clinics. 25 medical RH mobile teams. 1 obstetric and delivery hospital. 1 mammogram. 18 women and girls safe spaces /WGSS/. 24 PSS mobile teams supporting WGSS. 12 youth centers. The framework of SFPA activities focus on the following fields: SRH, Sexual reproductive health. GBV, gender base violence. Child health. Malnutrition prevention for pregnant woman and children under 5. Number of SFPA volunteers around 650, number of SFPA employees around 980.         

Sudan Family Planning Association logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Sudan Family Planning Association

The Sudan Family Planning Association (SFPA) was established in 1965 by pioneers in obstetrics and gynaecology in response to increases in maternal, neonatal and infant mortality and morbidity. As the statistics show, Sudan is a country in great need of frontline sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Advocacy, and undertaking information, education and communication (IEC) programmes are critical. SFPA is one of the leading organizations in Sudan providing a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. A rights-based organisation, SFPA is part of the global movement of strong voices safeguarding SRHR issues. SFPA is pioneer in providing youth friendly services and educational reproductive health information for young people. A major priority for SFPA is improving the status of women and enhancing their understanding of their rights. The organization aligns SRH closely with development initiatives for women. Economic independence, or the capacity to make a significant contribution to a family’s income, empowers women, and with economic empowerment comes the potential for greater control over reproductive health and family planning. In Sudan (particularly in rural areas) harmful practices such as female genital mutilation are widespread. SFPA is vigorous in combating FGM. SFPA has played a key role in the design, testing and implementation of the HIV and AIDS Stigma Index, and has undertaken critical work in HIV prevention initiatives amongst at-risk groups. It’s a founder member of the Sudan AIDS Network (SAN). It’s highly active as a technical adviser to the government on population policy, and it advocates strenuously for financial and political support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).    

Sudan Family Planning Association logo

| 31 March 2016

Sudan Family Planning Association

The Sudan Family Planning Association (SFPA) was established in 1965 by pioneers in obstetrics and gynaecology in response to increases in maternal, neonatal and infant mortality and morbidity. As the statistics show, Sudan is a country in great need of frontline sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Advocacy, and undertaking information, education and communication (IEC) programmes are critical. SFPA is one of the leading organizations in Sudan providing a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. A rights-based organisation, SFPA is part of the global movement of strong voices safeguarding SRHR issues. SFPA is pioneer in providing youth friendly services and educational reproductive health information for young people. A major priority for SFPA is improving the status of women and enhancing their understanding of their rights. The organization aligns SRH closely with development initiatives for women. Economic independence, or the capacity to make a significant contribution to a family’s income, empowers women, and with economic empowerment comes the potential for greater control over reproductive health and family planning. In Sudan (particularly in rural areas) harmful practices such as female genital mutilation are widespread. SFPA is vigorous in combating FGM. SFPA has played a key role in the design, testing and implementation of the HIV and AIDS Stigma Index, and has undertaken critical work in HIV prevention initiatives amongst at-risk groups. It’s a founder member of the Sudan AIDS Network (SAN). It’s highly active as a technical adviser to the government on population policy, and it advocates strenuously for financial and political support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).    

Somaliland Family Health Association logo
Member Association

| 31 March 2016

Somaliland Family Health Association

The Somaliland Family Health Association (SOFHA) is a community-based organization rooted in improving the SRHR lives of the communities we serve. Our aim is to provide more direct SRH services, advance legislation that supports quality SRHR and reach a broad range of community members, especially young people and the poor.  In our 2 clinics we serve around 4000 women and girls each year. We provide comprehensive integrated SRH services including antenatal, postnatal, delivery, family planning and paediatric services. We also reach 1,000s of women, young people and men each year in our community health education programmes.   

Somaliland Family Health Association logo

| 31 March 2016

Somaliland Family Health Association

The Somaliland Family Health Association (SOFHA) is a community-based organization rooted in improving the SRHR lives of the communities we serve. Our aim is to provide more direct SRH services, advance legislation that supports quality SRHR and reach a broad range of community members, especially young people and the poor.  In our 2 clinics we serve around 4000 women and girls each year. We provide comprehensive integrated SRH services including antenatal, postnatal, delivery, family planning and paediatric services. We also reach 1,000s of women, young people and men each year in our community health education programmes.