On 27 October 2020, an inauguration ceremony was held in Agadir for the new IPPF Japan Trust Fund (JTF) project launched by Associationi Morocaine de Planification Familiale (AMPF), IPPF’s Member Association in Morocco, with the support of the Government of Japan.
The JTF project aims to improve the health of men working at sea and prevent sexual and gender-based violence in communities around the port of Agadir in central Morocco. AMPF works with port associations and fishermen, who are vital to the local economy and usually have limited access to medical services. AMPF delivers sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and information to seafarers and fishermen and provide psychosocial care to reduce sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). We will also implement awareness raising activities at workplace and local fisheries stakeholders to achieve SRHR.
The inauguration ceremony was held with support from Sousse Massa Regional Office. Participants included officials from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. There was also a press conference for local media.
His Excellency Takashi Shinozuka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Morocco said:
"Gender-based violence is one of the most widespread human rights violations. As one of the leading advocates for SRHR, and in particular for family planning, the Government of Japan has made substantial financial and technical support in this area. I believe the success of this project, in which an organization as high-profile and well-established as AMPF collaborates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, which has a long history of cooperation with Japan, on a common goal of ending human rights violations, is a promise. I am proud of this project to be implemented in Morocco where steady progress has been made in enhancing women’s status under the guidance of His Majesty King Mohammed VI."
Dr Latifa Mokhtar JAMAI, President of AMPF, said:
"We are grateful to AMPF for this initiative to promote the right to health for the poorest and most hard-to-reach people in Morocco. I would like to thank the Government of Japan and the people of Japan for allowing AMPF to carry out this work to promote the right to health for the poorest and most hard-to-reach populations in Morocco."
This project will last for two years till 2022. Please stay tuned for the future of the project.
For further information, please contact Hiroko Takazawa at htakasawa@ippf.org or Yuri Taniguchi at ytaniguchi@ippf.org at IPPF.
Pictured above: H.E. Takashi Shinozuka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Morocco and Dr Latifa Mokhtar JAMAI, President of AMPF, IPPF’s Member Association in Morocco, at the JTF project launch ceremony
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