A selection of stories from across the Federation

Advances in Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health: 2024 in Review
Let’s take a leap back in time to the beginning of 2024: In twelve months, what victories has our movement managed to secure in the face of growing opposition and the rise of the far right? These victories for sexual and reproductive rights and health are the result of relentless grassroots work and advocacy by our Member Associations, in partnership with community organizations, allied politicians, and the mobilization of public opinion.
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Advances in Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health: 2024 in Review
Let’s take a leap back in time to the beginning of 2024: In twelve months, what victories has our movement managed to secure in t

Kazakhstan's Rising HIV Crisis: A Call for Action
On World AIDS Day, we commemorate the remarkable achievements of IPPF Member Associations in their unwavering commitment to combating the HIV epidemic.

Ensuring SRHR in Humanitarian Crises: What You Need to Know
Over the past two decades, global forced displacement has consistently increased, affecting an estimated 114 million people as of mid-2023.
Estonia, Nepal, Namibia, Japan, Thailand

The Rainbow Wave for Marriage Equality
Love wins! The fight for marriage equality has seen incredible progress worldwide, with a recent surge in legalizations.
France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, United States, Colombia, India, Tunisia

Abortion Rights: Latest Decisions and Developments around the World
Over the past 30 years, more than


In their own words: The people providing sexual and reproductive health care under bombardment in Gaza
Week after week, heavy Israeli bombardment from air, land, and sea, has continued across most of the Gaza Strip.

When getting to the hospital is difficult, Vanuatu mobile outreach can save lives
In the mountains of Kumera on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, the village women of Kamahaul normally spend over 10,000 Vatu ($83 USD) to travel to the nearest hospital.
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- Somaliland Family Health Association
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- Vanuatu Family Health Association

| 29 December 2023
In their own words: The people providing sexual and reproductive health care under bombardment in Gaza
Week after week, heavy Israeli bombardment from air, land, and sea, has continued across most of the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Health, at least 21,320 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 7th, about 70% of whom are women and children. Nearly 2 million people have been displaced from their homes, forced to live in extremely overcrowded and unsanitary shelters. The Ministry of Health says that 50% of pregnant women in the shelters suffer from thirst and malnutrition, and there is a lack of health care and vaccinations for newborns. The suffering is unimaginable, yet it is all too real. Many of those bearing witness to the seemingly endless death and misery are frontline healthcare workers - including those delivering sexual and reproductive healthcare. But they, too, are at risk of being killed just for doing their jobs. Israel continues to bombard Gaza’s health facilities and residential areas, despite mounting international pressure for a ceasefire - something IPPF and many other humanitarian organisations have been demanding for months. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there have been more than 200 Israeli attacks on hospitals and ambulances since Oct. 7, with many medical workers detained during Israeli raids. At least 300 healthcare workers have been reported killed, according to the UN. This is more than the total number of health worker deaths recorded across all countries in conflict last year, and in any single year since 2016. Staff at IPPF's local member association, the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPPA), are among the heroic healthcare workers in Gaza that continue to provide care as best they can in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. We fear for their safety - and that of the 2.3 million civilians in Gaza - every single day. In their own words, PFPPA and other health workers describe what it's like to provide care under bombardment and blockade in Gaza and in the West Bank - offering glimpses of terror, devastation, and even some hope.

| 29 December 2023
In their own words: The people providing sexual and reproductive health care under bombardment in Gaza
Week after week, heavy Israeli bombardment from air, land, and sea, has continued across most of the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Health, at least 21,320 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 7th, about 70% of whom are women and children. Nearly 2 million people have been displaced from their homes, forced to live in extremely overcrowded and unsanitary shelters. The Ministry of Health says that 50% of pregnant women in the shelters suffer from thirst and malnutrition, and there is a lack of health care and vaccinations for newborns. The suffering is unimaginable, yet it is all too real. Many of those bearing witness to the seemingly endless death and misery are frontline healthcare workers - including those delivering sexual and reproductive healthcare. But they, too, are at risk of being killed just for doing their jobs. Israel continues to bombard Gaza’s health facilities and residential areas, despite mounting international pressure for a ceasefire - something IPPF and many other humanitarian organisations have been demanding for months. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there have been more than 200 Israeli attacks on hospitals and ambulances since Oct. 7, with many medical workers detained during Israeli raids. At least 300 healthcare workers have been reported killed, according to the UN. This is more than the total number of health worker deaths recorded across all countries in conflict last year, and in any single year since 2016. Staff at IPPF's local member association, the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPPA), are among the heroic healthcare workers in Gaza that continue to provide care as best they can in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. We fear for their safety - and that of the 2.3 million civilians in Gaza - every single day. In their own words, PFPPA and other health workers describe what it's like to provide care under bombardment and blockade in Gaza and in the West Bank - offering glimpses of terror, devastation, and even some hope.

| 22 December 2023
Defining Moments of 2023 in Photos
In our work, we are constantly striving to advance human rights while at the same time preserving and protecting what we have already achieved. In this momentum, setbacks sometimes get most of our attention and we forget to celebrate our victories and the progress made. As the year draws to a close, we have decided to take the time to highlight the defining moments of 2023 and celebrate the extraordinary work that members of the Federation and their partners do every day around the world.

| 22 December 2023
Defining Moments of 2023 in Photos
In our work, we are constantly striving to advance human rights while at the same time preserving and protecting what we have already achieved. In this momentum, setbacks sometimes get most of our attention and we forget to celebrate our victories and the progress made. As the year draws to a close, we have decided to take the time to highlight the defining moments of 2023 and celebrate the extraordinary work that members of the Federation and their partners do every day around the world.

| 05 December 2023
"There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself"
Lisiane Messine is a CIFWA youth volunteer and formally the CIFWA Youth Representative for the East South East Asia and Oceania (ESEAOR) region of IPPF. She is also the Senior Probation Officer for the Cook Islands Government. Originally from the outer island of Aitutaki, she moved to New Zealand to complete her undergraduate studies. On return to Cook Islands, she became a CIFWA Youth Volunteer, and went on to become the first Cook Islands youth representative to gain a position on the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee. For International Volunteer Day, we are sharing part of Lisiane's story, in her own words. “I was born in Rarotonga (the main island of the Cook Islands) but raised in Aitutaki (a small outer island). I was raised by my auntie and uncle. I was given to them after they lost two of their children, one was an infant when it died, and one was a miscarriage due to my aunt’s job harvesting in the plantation the chemicals she was exposed to doing that. My biological mother was only 17 years old when she had me, so they decided that my auntie would raise me, and I am grateful and blessed she made that decision. I feel blessed to have two sets of parents. It’s quite normal in the Pacific for this practice to happen. We call them our ‘feeding family’. Neither of my parents made it to university, they are both self-employed and sell vegetables for a living. My dad funded my university (Bachelor in Applied Social Worker) in New Zealand himself, all from selling vegetables. I’m just grateful. Living in NZ opened my eyes to talking openly about abuse in the family, sexual and reproductive health, relationships. My views changed. I ran my first workshop for CIFWA at 15 years old. They had come to Aitutaki to run a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) workshop and I thought ‘Oh my gosh all these things I am not allowed to talk about with my parents’ so as soon as I moved to Rarotonga, I visited CIFWA to see how I could get involved. Now I am seeing the young ones I have seen growing up since they were in nappies having a different experience to me. I have friends who experienced things that I didn’t know how to deal with, so I thought if I were to learn how to help, I can help my younger friends, family and children not deal with these things and be safer. I was always the ‘go-to’ person for my friends to talk about things so I wanted to learn how to approach it with them. In 2018, after I became the Youth Rep for CIFWA, we travelled to Malaysia with the other youth reps from around the Pacific, some of whom had never travelled that far before. I took on the role of unofficial ‘mama’ for the group and taking care of the group. It was my first time travelling that far too, but my English was better, so I wanted to take on the responsibility to make sure they were okay. I miss all the other Youth Reps! During this trip in 2018, we held an election, where nine of the youth reps were elected to the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee, and I was elected. I felt privileged because I was new, just a girl from Cook Islands, and it made me feel good. I had doubts because I come from a small nation and doubted my experience in SRH and being a youth rep. But after talking to my fellow Pacific Island youth reps, I thought this is a perfect opportunity to put the Pacific on the map in IPPF. The top two positions were both awarded to Pacific Youth Representatives, and I was voted in as Deputy Chairman for the period of three years. I admired the other youth reps from SE Asia so much, they were so vocal and outspoken. Over my three years in this position, we recommended that those of us that age over 25 should become mentors to the younger youth reps who come in. Our next trip was to the IPPF General Assembly in India, and I remember thinking ‘this is big, this is really big. There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself.’ That experience built my confidence and leadership skills so much’.

| 05 December 2023
"There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself"
Lisiane Messine is a CIFWA youth volunteer and formally the CIFWA Youth Representative for the East South East Asia and Oceania (ESEAOR) region of IPPF. She is also the Senior Probation Officer for the Cook Islands Government. Originally from the outer island of Aitutaki, she moved to New Zealand to complete her undergraduate studies. On return to Cook Islands, she became a CIFWA Youth Volunteer, and went on to become the first Cook Islands youth representative to gain a position on the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee. For International Volunteer Day, we are sharing part of Lisiane's story, in her own words. “I was born in Rarotonga (the main island of the Cook Islands) but raised in Aitutaki (a small outer island). I was raised by my auntie and uncle. I was given to them after they lost two of their children, one was an infant when it died, and one was a miscarriage due to my aunt’s job harvesting in the plantation the chemicals she was exposed to doing that. My biological mother was only 17 years old when she had me, so they decided that my auntie would raise me, and I am grateful and blessed she made that decision. I feel blessed to have two sets of parents. It’s quite normal in the Pacific for this practice to happen. We call them our ‘feeding family’. Neither of my parents made it to university, they are both self-employed and sell vegetables for a living. My dad funded my university (Bachelor in Applied Social Worker) in New Zealand himself, all from selling vegetables. I’m just grateful. Living in NZ opened my eyes to talking openly about abuse in the family, sexual and reproductive health, relationships. My views changed. I ran my first workshop for CIFWA at 15 years old. They had come to Aitutaki to run a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) workshop and I thought ‘Oh my gosh all these things I am not allowed to talk about with my parents’ so as soon as I moved to Rarotonga, I visited CIFWA to see how I could get involved. Now I am seeing the young ones I have seen growing up since they were in nappies having a different experience to me. I have friends who experienced things that I didn’t know how to deal with, so I thought if I were to learn how to help, I can help my younger friends, family and children not deal with these things and be safer. I was always the ‘go-to’ person for my friends to talk about things so I wanted to learn how to approach it with them. In 2018, after I became the Youth Rep for CIFWA, we travelled to Malaysia with the other youth reps from around the Pacific, some of whom had never travelled that far before. I took on the role of unofficial ‘mama’ for the group and taking care of the group. It was my first time travelling that far too, but my English was better, so I wanted to take on the responsibility to make sure they were okay. I miss all the other Youth Reps! During this trip in 2018, we held an election, where nine of the youth reps were elected to the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee, and I was elected. I felt privileged because I was new, just a girl from Cook Islands, and it made me feel good. I had doubts because I come from a small nation and doubted my experience in SRH and being a youth rep. But after talking to my fellow Pacific Island youth reps, I thought this is a perfect opportunity to put the Pacific on the map in IPPF. The top two positions were both awarded to Pacific Youth Representatives, and I was voted in as Deputy Chairman for the period of three years. I admired the other youth reps from SE Asia so much, they were so vocal and outspoken. Over my three years in this position, we recommended that those of us that age over 25 should become mentors to the younger youth reps who come in. Our next trip was to the IPPF General Assembly in India, and I remember thinking ‘this is big, this is really big. There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself.’ That experience built my confidence and leadership skills so much’.

| 07 August 2023
When getting to the hospital is difficult, Vanuatu mobile outreach can save lives
In the mountains of Kumera on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, the village women of Kamahaul normally spend over 10,000 Vatu ($83 USD) to travel to the nearest hospital. It takes an hour to travel up the steep, rugged, tire-track terrain by car, but it takes two hours by foot - the normal form of commute for villagers. Alani*, a 22-year-old mother of three, said that after Tropical Cyclones Kevin and Judy hit Vanuatu in March 2023, it has been even harder to travel to the hospital. “After the cyclone, my crops were destroyed. I usually take my kids with me to the market and sell produce but after the cyclone, I do not have any money. If I have to go to the hospital for my 3-month injectable [contraceptive], I spend 5,000 Vatu one way, then 500 for medicine at hospital then I pay 5,000 Vatu to come back.” This is equivalent to over 100 AUD, which is unaffordable for most people like Alani. Village spokesperson, Jimmy, said that the community is grateful for the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) as they are the first medical team to visit the remote community. “I feel sorry for our mamas, they must spend so much money just to get medicine,” he said. “In our village, we have a lot of young single mothers and most of the time, trucks refuse to come up here because of the bad road. They must walk for two hours just to get to the main road, sometimes whilst pregnant, holding bags and their many children. This is why I invited VFHA to come here, so women don’t have to spend so much money and time just to get health services.” The outreach programme was part of VFHA’s humanitarian response to the cyclone. “We’ve been overwhelmed by the testimonies of hardships shared by the women in this community,” said Kalowi Kaltapangm VFHA Programme Manager. “Girls and women should not be paying over 100 AUD just to have access to sexual reproductive health services – it is not right. We thank Australia through DFAT for allowing us to reach more people post-disaster.” Jimmy added that the community is grateful for the VFHA visit and hopes they set up a clinic in Kumera. “After Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, we lost about 21 homes across the communities here and most of the food crops are gone. If you travel further, you will still see some families still in tents. People are still rebuilding their lives and it's hard to rebuild if women fall pregnant again.’ The VFHA response team reached a total of 21 communities and more than 3,000 beneficiaries across Tafea Province. This included mobile outreach to 15 communities on Tanna Island, three communities on Futuna and three communities in Aneityum.

| 09 August 2023
When getting to the hospital is difficult, Vanuatu mobile outreach can save lives
In the mountains of Kumera on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, the village women of Kamahaul normally spend over 10,000 Vatu ($83 USD) to travel to the nearest hospital. It takes an hour to travel up the steep, rugged, tire-track terrain by car, but it takes two hours by foot - the normal form of commute for villagers. Alani*, a 22-year-old mother of three, said that after Tropical Cyclones Kevin and Judy hit Vanuatu in March 2023, it has been even harder to travel to the hospital. “After the cyclone, my crops were destroyed. I usually take my kids with me to the market and sell produce but after the cyclone, I do not have any money. If I have to go to the hospital for my 3-month injectable [contraceptive], I spend 5,000 Vatu one way, then 500 for medicine at hospital then I pay 5,000 Vatu to come back.” This is equivalent to over 100 AUD, which is unaffordable for most people like Alani. Village spokesperson, Jimmy, said that the community is grateful for the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) as they are the first medical team to visit the remote community. “I feel sorry for our mamas, they must spend so much money just to get medicine,” he said. “In our village, we have a lot of young single mothers and most of the time, trucks refuse to come up here because of the bad road. They must walk for two hours just to get to the main road, sometimes whilst pregnant, holding bags and their many children. This is why I invited VFHA to come here, so women don’t have to spend so much money and time just to get health services.” The outreach programme was part of VFHA’s humanitarian response to the cyclone. “We’ve been overwhelmed by the testimonies of hardships shared by the women in this community,” said Kalowi Kaltapangm VFHA Programme Manager. “Girls and women should not be paying over 100 AUD just to have access to sexual reproductive health services – it is not right. We thank Australia through DFAT for allowing us to reach more people post-disaster.” Jimmy added that the community is grateful for the VFHA visit and hopes they set up a clinic in Kumera. “After Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, we lost about 21 homes across the communities here and most of the food crops are gone. If you travel further, you will still see some families still in tents. People are still rebuilding their lives and it's hard to rebuild if women fall pregnant again.’ The VFHA response team reached a total of 21 communities and more than 3,000 beneficiaries across Tafea Province. This included mobile outreach to 15 communities on Tanna Island, three communities on Futuna and three communities in Aneityum.

| 07 August 2023
Sex: changing minds and winning hearts in Tanna, Vanuatu
“Very traditional.” These two words are often used to describe the people of Tanna in Vanuatu, one of the most populated islands in the small country in the Pacific. Between 1 and 5 March 2023, the Vanuatu islands were hit by two consecutive Category 4 cyclones (“Judy” and “Kevin”) with widespread damage to the northwest and northeastern islands. Authorities report that some 250,000 people were affected, representing more than 80 per cent of the population. Since 28 March, The Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) has been conducting their humanitarian response on Tanna. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, said that they are very surprised by their breakthrough with communities - especially with the men. “Tanna is known to be very traditional, even in the past it was almost impossible get access to these communities to talk about sex, but now it is slowly changing, and we are surprised. In our recent field visits, we have seen men step forward bringing their wives and even their daughters to get family planning!” says Ilaisa. Levi, a 47-year-old father, said that he brought his daughter to the VFHA site to get Jadelle [a long-acting contraceptive] because he does not want his daughter to fall pregnant. “After the cyclones, I saw pregnant mothers walking to the hospitals for check-ups and I told myself that I do not want that for my daughter. I do not want her to suffer if the boy runs away. Some men were talking about VFHA, and I was surprised that even though most were hesitant to get family planning for their daughters because it meant that they were able to have sex, they also did not want their daughters to suffer,” says Levi. Ilaisa added that they have seen more men step forward due to their work with community chiefs to ensure men attend the information sessions. “We talk to the men too, we educate them. Then after they go to nakamal (a traditional meeting place in Vanuatu used for gatherings and ceremonies), they tell all the men about what they learnt. I believe because people are still recovering from the cyclones, men have seen the firsthand challenges of women getting pregnant and the hardships of looking after a pregnant woman when you have lost everything after a cyclone. “ 31-year-old Rose, from Kumera, said that she is surprised her husband advocated for her to get family planning. “I can’t thank VFHA enough, my husband, who previously accused me of cheating when I told him I wanted to get family planning, is the same man who now wants me to get family planning. I thank VFHA for also speaking to the men as they are usually the problem when it comes to family planning!” says Rose. VFHA Programme Manager, Kalowi Kaltapang thanked his hardworking humanitarian team for their perseverance in breaking down barriers of sex in communities, but most importantly, the great support from DFAT in funding the humanitarian response. “It's always been tricky to engage men in these spaces, but I thank DFAT, IPPF and the hardworking VFHA humanitarian team, who are steadfast in their mission to ensure that everyone has access to SRH services.”

| 08 August 2023
Sex: changing minds and winning hearts in Tanna, Vanuatu
“Very traditional.” These two words are often used to describe the people of Tanna in Vanuatu, one of the most populated islands in the small country in the Pacific. Between 1 and 5 March 2023, the Vanuatu islands were hit by two consecutive Category 4 cyclones (“Judy” and “Kevin”) with widespread damage to the northwest and northeastern islands. Authorities report that some 250,000 people were affected, representing more than 80 per cent of the population. Since 28 March, The Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) has been conducting their humanitarian response on Tanna. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, said that they are very surprised by their breakthrough with communities - especially with the men. “Tanna is known to be very traditional, even in the past it was almost impossible get access to these communities to talk about sex, but now it is slowly changing, and we are surprised. In our recent field visits, we have seen men step forward bringing their wives and even their daughters to get family planning!” says Ilaisa. Levi, a 47-year-old father, said that he brought his daughter to the VFHA site to get Jadelle [a long-acting contraceptive] because he does not want his daughter to fall pregnant. “After the cyclones, I saw pregnant mothers walking to the hospitals for check-ups and I told myself that I do not want that for my daughter. I do not want her to suffer if the boy runs away. Some men were talking about VFHA, and I was surprised that even though most were hesitant to get family planning for their daughters because it meant that they were able to have sex, they also did not want their daughters to suffer,” says Levi. Ilaisa added that they have seen more men step forward due to their work with community chiefs to ensure men attend the information sessions. “We talk to the men too, we educate them. Then after they go to nakamal (a traditional meeting place in Vanuatu used for gatherings and ceremonies), they tell all the men about what they learnt. I believe because people are still recovering from the cyclones, men have seen the firsthand challenges of women getting pregnant and the hardships of looking after a pregnant woman when you have lost everything after a cyclone. “ 31-year-old Rose, from Kumera, said that she is surprised her husband advocated for her to get family planning. “I can’t thank VFHA enough, my husband, who previously accused me of cheating when I told him I wanted to get family planning, is the same man who now wants me to get family planning. I thank VFHA for also speaking to the men as they are usually the problem when it comes to family planning!” says Rose. VFHA Programme Manager, Kalowi Kaltapang thanked his hardworking humanitarian team for their perseverance in breaking down barriers of sex in communities, but most importantly, the great support from DFAT in funding the humanitarian response. “It's always been tricky to engage men in these spaces, but I thank DFAT, IPPF and the hardworking VFHA humanitarian team, who are steadfast in their mission to ensure that everyone has access to SRH services.”

| 07 August 2023
Vanuatu cyclone response: The mental health toll on humanitarian providers
Girls and women from nearby villages flock to mobile health clinics set up by the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA). The response team from VFHA consists mostly of women, who have already been away from their families for over six weeks. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, mentally prepares her team for the long day ahead. The 12-member team, consisting of nine women and three men, have been conducting community outreach on Tanna Island, Vanuatu since 28 March 2023, as part of their humanitarian response to Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, which tore through Vanuatu. “Our team consists of nine mothers who have left their families to provide these essential services to vulnerable communities. When people visit us, we must put on a happy face to make them feel welcome but sometimes it gets hard,” says Ilaisa. Ilaisa said that the women in the medical team have been away from their homes for so long that their husbands would sometimes be overwhelmed with looking after the children and often would call the women on the team ‘selfish’ for choosing to leave their families. Sexual and reproductive health nurse, Cindy Mahi, said she sometimes feels bad for leaving her partner alone to look after the children. When she sees clients with their children, she says she feels homesick. “I call my family every morning, and sometimes my husband complains about me being away – and it really hurts, especially if I hear my children in the background asking when I will be back. I feel so guilty sometimes as a mother!” says Mahi. Ilaisa added that the stress from leaving their families is compounded by an intense working environment delivering vital sexual and reproductive healthcare to remote communities. “Our work is such that we leave our accommodation before sunrise and return after sunset. People are very tired and sometimes we are so busy helping clients that we often work through lunch to ensure we help everyone,” says Ilaisa. Mahi said that these are things people don’t see when they come to receive services. “When women come to see us for help, we put on a warm smile, but they do not know about the hardships we face. They do not see what is running at the back of our mind.” Ilaisa said when it comes to the mental health of the team, she ensures she is creating a safe space where her team members can openly share. “I offer counselling to them, and I encourage them to share the important work that they do in the field with their husbands, so they know exactly what they do. I sit there and listen to them and sometimes we cry together.” Ilaisa said that apart from counselling, she encourages the mothers to practice self-care by taking the weekend off and making sure they take adequate breaks throughout the day. “I tell them, if you feel you need to take a break in the middle of work – do it! When we debrief after our field work, we share the numbers of women who received SRH services, and the feeling of accomplishment is what makes our work worthwhile. When we hear these numbers it reminds us of our purpose, it reminds us of why we are here, and for a second, our family problems fade away because we know we are serving a purpose greater than ourselves.”

| 07 August 2023
Vanuatu cyclone response: The mental health toll on humanitarian providers
Girls and women from nearby villages flock to mobile health clinics set up by the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA). The response team from VFHA consists mostly of women, who have already been away from their families for over six weeks. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, mentally prepares her team for the long day ahead. The 12-member team, consisting of nine women and three men, have been conducting community outreach on Tanna Island, Vanuatu since 28 March 2023, as part of their humanitarian response to Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, which tore through Vanuatu. “Our team consists of nine mothers who have left their families to provide these essential services to vulnerable communities. When people visit us, we must put on a happy face to make them feel welcome but sometimes it gets hard,” says Ilaisa. Ilaisa said that the women in the medical team have been away from their homes for so long that their husbands would sometimes be overwhelmed with looking after the children and often would call the women on the team ‘selfish’ for choosing to leave their families. Sexual and reproductive health nurse, Cindy Mahi, said she sometimes feels bad for leaving her partner alone to look after the children. When she sees clients with their children, she says she feels homesick. “I call my family every morning, and sometimes my husband complains about me being away – and it really hurts, especially if I hear my children in the background asking when I will be back. I feel so guilty sometimes as a mother!” says Mahi. Ilaisa added that the stress from leaving their families is compounded by an intense working environment delivering vital sexual and reproductive healthcare to remote communities. “Our work is such that we leave our accommodation before sunrise and return after sunset. People are very tired and sometimes we are so busy helping clients that we often work through lunch to ensure we help everyone,” says Ilaisa. Mahi said that these are things people don’t see when they come to receive services. “When women come to see us for help, we put on a warm smile, but they do not know about the hardships we face. They do not see what is running at the back of our mind.” Ilaisa said when it comes to the mental health of the team, she ensures she is creating a safe space where her team members can openly share. “I offer counselling to them, and I encourage them to share the important work that they do in the field with their husbands, so they know exactly what they do. I sit there and listen to them and sometimes we cry together.” Ilaisa said that apart from counselling, she encourages the mothers to practice self-care by taking the weekend off and making sure they take adequate breaks throughout the day. “I tell them, if you feel you need to take a break in the middle of work – do it! When we debrief after our field work, we share the numbers of women who received SRH services, and the feeling of accomplishment is what makes our work worthwhile. When we hear these numbers it reminds us of our purpose, it reminds us of why we are here, and for a second, our family problems fade away because we know we are serving a purpose greater than ourselves.”

| 29 December 2023
In their own words: The people providing sexual and reproductive health care under bombardment in Gaza
Week after week, heavy Israeli bombardment from air, land, and sea, has continued across most of the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Health, at least 21,320 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 7th, about 70% of whom are women and children. Nearly 2 million people have been displaced from their homes, forced to live in extremely overcrowded and unsanitary shelters. The Ministry of Health says that 50% of pregnant women in the shelters suffer from thirst and malnutrition, and there is a lack of health care and vaccinations for newborns. The suffering is unimaginable, yet it is all too real. Many of those bearing witness to the seemingly endless death and misery are frontline healthcare workers - including those delivering sexual and reproductive healthcare. But they, too, are at risk of being killed just for doing their jobs. Israel continues to bombard Gaza’s health facilities and residential areas, despite mounting international pressure for a ceasefire - something IPPF and many other humanitarian organisations have been demanding for months. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there have been more than 200 Israeli attacks on hospitals and ambulances since Oct. 7, with many medical workers detained during Israeli raids. At least 300 healthcare workers have been reported killed, according to the UN. This is more than the total number of health worker deaths recorded across all countries in conflict last year, and in any single year since 2016. Staff at IPPF's local member association, the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPPA), are among the heroic healthcare workers in Gaza that continue to provide care as best they can in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. We fear for their safety - and that of the 2.3 million civilians in Gaza - every single day. In their own words, PFPPA and other health workers describe what it's like to provide care under bombardment and blockade in Gaza and in the West Bank - offering glimpses of terror, devastation, and even some hope.

| 29 December 2023
In their own words: The people providing sexual and reproductive health care under bombardment in Gaza
Week after week, heavy Israeli bombardment from air, land, and sea, has continued across most of the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Health, at least 21,320 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since October 7th, about 70% of whom are women and children. Nearly 2 million people have been displaced from their homes, forced to live in extremely overcrowded and unsanitary shelters. The Ministry of Health says that 50% of pregnant women in the shelters suffer from thirst and malnutrition, and there is a lack of health care and vaccinations for newborns. The suffering is unimaginable, yet it is all too real. Many of those bearing witness to the seemingly endless death and misery are frontline healthcare workers - including those delivering sexual and reproductive healthcare. But they, too, are at risk of being killed just for doing their jobs. Israel continues to bombard Gaza’s health facilities and residential areas, despite mounting international pressure for a ceasefire - something IPPF and many other humanitarian organisations have been demanding for months. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there have been more than 200 Israeli attacks on hospitals and ambulances since Oct. 7, with many medical workers detained during Israeli raids. At least 300 healthcare workers have been reported killed, according to the UN. This is more than the total number of health worker deaths recorded across all countries in conflict last year, and in any single year since 2016. Staff at IPPF's local member association, the Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPPA), are among the heroic healthcare workers in Gaza that continue to provide care as best they can in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. We fear for their safety - and that of the 2.3 million civilians in Gaza - every single day. In their own words, PFPPA and other health workers describe what it's like to provide care under bombardment and blockade in Gaza and in the West Bank - offering glimpses of terror, devastation, and even some hope.

| 22 December 2023
Defining Moments of 2023 in Photos
In our work, we are constantly striving to advance human rights while at the same time preserving and protecting what we have already achieved. In this momentum, setbacks sometimes get most of our attention and we forget to celebrate our victories and the progress made. As the year draws to a close, we have decided to take the time to highlight the defining moments of 2023 and celebrate the extraordinary work that members of the Federation and their partners do every day around the world.

| 22 December 2023
Defining Moments of 2023 in Photos
In our work, we are constantly striving to advance human rights while at the same time preserving and protecting what we have already achieved. In this momentum, setbacks sometimes get most of our attention and we forget to celebrate our victories and the progress made. As the year draws to a close, we have decided to take the time to highlight the defining moments of 2023 and celebrate the extraordinary work that members of the Federation and their partners do every day around the world.

| 05 December 2023
"There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself"
Lisiane Messine is a CIFWA youth volunteer and formally the CIFWA Youth Representative for the East South East Asia and Oceania (ESEAOR) region of IPPF. She is also the Senior Probation Officer for the Cook Islands Government. Originally from the outer island of Aitutaki, she moved to New Zealand to complete her undergraduate studies. On return to Cook Islands, she became a CIFWA Youth Volunteer, and went on to become the first Cook Islands youth representative to gain a position on the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee. For International Volunteer Day, we are sharing part of Lisiane's story, in her own words. “I was born in Rarotonga (the main island of the Cook Islands) but raised in Aitutaki (a small outer island). I was raised by my auntie and uncle. I was given to them after they lost two of their children, one was an infant when it died, and one was a miscarriage due to my aunt’s job harvesting in the plantation the chemicals she was exposed to doing that. My biological mother was only 17 years old when she had me, so they decided that my auntie would raise me, and I am grateful and blessed she made that decision. I feel blessed to have two sets of parents. It’s quite normal in the Pacific for this practice to happen. We call them our ‘feeding family’. Neither of my parents made it to university, they are both self-employed and sell vegetables for a living. My dad funded my university (Bachelor in Applied Social Worker) in New Zealand himself, all from selling vegetables. I’m just grateful. Living in NZ opened my eyes to talking openly about abuse in the family, sexual and reproductive health, relationships. My views changed. I ran my first workshop for CIFWA at 15 years old. They had come to Aitutaki to run a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) workshop and I thought ‘Oh my gosh all these things I am not allowed to talk about with my parents’ so as soon as I moved to Rarotonga, I visited CIFWA to see how I could get involved. Now I am seeing the young ones I have seen growing up since they were in nappies having a different experience to me. I have friends who experienced things that I didn’t know how to deal with, so I thought if I were to learn how to help, I can help my younger friends, family and children not deal with these things and be safer. I was always the ‘go-to’ person for my friends to talk about things so I wanted to learn how to approach it with them. In 2018, after I became the Youth Rep for CIFWA, we travelled to Malaysia with the other youth reps from around the Pacific, some of whom had never travelled that far before. I took on the role of unofficial ‘mama’ for the group and taking care of the group. It was my first time travelling that far too, but my English was better, so I wanted to take on the responsibility to make sure they were okay. I miss all the other Youth Reps! During this trip in 2018, we held an election, where nine of the youth reps were elected to the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee, and I was elected. I felt privileged because I was new, just a girl from Cook Islands, and it made me feel good. I had doubts because I come from a small nation and doubted my experience in SRH and being a youth rep. But after talking to my fellow Pacific Island youth reps, I thought this is a perfect opportunity to put the Pacific on the map in IPPF. The top two positions were both awarded to Pacific Youth Representatives, and I was voted in as Deputy Chairman for the period of three years. I admired the other youth reps from SE Asia so much, they were so vocal and outspoken. Over my three years in this position, we recommended that those of us that age over 25 should become mentors to the younger youth reps who come in. Our next trip was to the IPPF General Assembly in India, and I remember thinking ‘this is big, this is really big. There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself.’ That experience built my confidence and leadership skills so much’.

| 05 December 2023
"There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself"
Lisiane Messine is a CIFWA youth volunteer and formally the CIFWA Youth Representative for the East South East Asia and Oceania (ESEAOR) region of IPPF. She is also the Senior Probation Officer for the Cook Islands Government. Originally from the outer island of Aitutaki, she moved to New Zealand to complete her undergraduate studies. On return to Cook Islands, she became a CIFWA Youth Volunteer, and went on to become the first Cook Islands youth representative to gain a position on the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee. For International Volunteer Day, we are sharing part of Lisiane's story, in her own words. “I was born in Rarotonga (the main island of the Cook Islands) but raised in Aitutaki (a small outer island). I was raised by my auntie and uncle. I was given to them after they lost two of their children, one was an infant when it died, and one was a miscarriage due to my aunt’s job harvesting in the plantation the chemicals she was exposed to doing that. My biological mother was only 17 years old when she had me, so they decided that my auntie would raise me, and I am grateful and blessed she made that decision. I feel blessed to have two sets of parents. It’s quite normal in the Pacific for this practice to happen. We call them our ‘feeding family’. Neither of my parents made it to university, they are both self-employed and sell vegetables for a living. My dad funded my university (Bachelor in Applied Social Worker) in New Zealand himself, all from selling vegetables. I’m just grateful. Living in NZ opened my eyes to talking openly about abuse in the family, sexual and reproductive health, relationships. My views changed. I ran my first workshop for CIFWA at 15 years old. They had come to Aitutaki to run a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) workshop and I thought ‘Oh my gosh all these things I am not allowed to talk about with my parents’ so as soon as I moved to Rarotonga, I visited CIFWA to see how I could get involved. Now I am seeing the young ones I have seen growing up since they were in nappies having a different experience to me. I have friends who experienced things that I didn’t know how to deal with, so I thought if I were to learn how to help, I can help my younger friends, family and children not deal with these things and be safer. I was always the ‘go-to’ person for my friends to talk about things so I wanted to learn how to approach it with them. In 2018, after I became the Youth Rep for CIFWA, we travelled to Malaysia with the other youth reps from around the Pacific, some of whom had never travelled that far before. I took on the role of unofficial ‘mama’ for the group and taking care of the group. It was my first time travelling that far too, but my English was better, so I wanted to take on the responsibility to make sure they were okay. I miss all the other Youth Reps! During this trip in 2018, we held an election, where nine of the youth reps were elected to the ESEAOR Youth Executive Committee, and I was elected. I felt privileged because I was new, just a girl from Cook Islands, and it made me feel good. I had doubts because I come from a small nation and doubted my experience in SRH and being a youth rep. But after talking to my fellow Pacific Island youth reps, I thought this is a perfect opportunity to put the Pacific on the map in IPPF. The top two positions were both awarded to Pacific Youth Representatives, and I was voted in as Deputy Chairman for the period of three years. I admired the other youth reps from SE Asia so much, they were so vocal and outspoken. Over my three years in this position, we recommended that those of us that age over 25 should become mentors to the younger youth reps who come in. Our next trip was to the IPPF General Assembly in India, and I remember thinking ‘this is big, this is really big. There must be something that people recognise in me that I don’t even see in myself.’ That experience built my confidence and leadership skills so much’.

| 07 August 2023
When getting to the hospital is difficult, Vanuatu mobile outreach can save lives
In the mountains of Kumera on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, the village women of Kamahaul normally spend over 10,000 Vatu ($83 USD) to travel to the nearest hospital. It takes an hour to travel up the steep, rugged, tire-track terrain by car, but it takes two hours by foot - the normal form of commute for villagers. Alani*, a 22-year-old mother of three, said that after Tropical Cyclones Kevin and Judy hit Vanuatu in March 2023, it has been even harder to travel to the hospital. “After the cyclone, my crops were destroyed. I usually take my kids with me to the market and sell produce but after the cyclone, I do not have any money. If I have to go to the hospital for my 3-month injectable [contraceptive], I spend 5,000 Vatu one way, then 500 for medicine at hospital then I pay 5,000 Vatu to come back.” This is equivalent to over 100 AUD, which is unaffordable for most people like Alani. Village spokesperson, Jimmy, said that the community is grateful for the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) as they are the first medical team to visit the remote community. “I feel sorry for our mamas, they must spend so much money just to get medicine,” he said. “In our village, we have a lot of young single mothers and most of the time, trucks refuse to come up here because of the bad road. They must walk for two hours just to get to the main road, sometimes whilst pregnant, holding bags and their many children. This is why I invited VFHA to come here, so women don’t have to spend so much money and time just to get health services.” The outreach programme was part of VFHA’s humanitarian response to the cyclone. “We’ve been overwhelmed by the testimonies of hardships shared by the women in this community,” said Kalowi Kaltapangm VFHA Programme Manager. “Girls and women should not be paying over 100 AUD just to have access to sexual reproductive health services – it is not right. We thank Australia through DFAT for allowing us to reach more people post-disaster.” Jimmy added that the community is grateful for the VFHA visit and hopes they set up a clinic in Kumera. “After Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, we lost about 21 homes across the communities here and most of the food crops are gone. If you travel further, you will still see some families still in tents. People are still rebuilding their lives and it's hard to rebuild if women fall pregnant again.’ The VFHA response team reached a total of 21 communities and more than 3,000 beneficiaries across Tafea Province. This included mobile outreach to 15 communities on Tanna Island, three communities on Futuna and three communities in Aneityum.

| 09 August 2023
When getting to the hospital is difficult, Vanuatu mobile outreach can save lives
In the mountains of Kumera on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, the village women of Kamahaul normally spend over 10,000 Vatu ($83 USD) to travel to the nearest hospital. It takes an hour to travel up the steep, rugged, tire-track terrain by car, but it takes two hours by foot - the normal form of commute for villagers. Alani*, a 22-year-old mother of three, said that after Tropical Cyclones Kevin and Judy hit Vanuatu in March 2023, it has been even harder to travel to the hospital. “After the cyclone, my crops were destroyed. I usually take my kids with me to the market and sell produce but after the cyclone, I do not have any money. If I have to go to the hospital for my 3-month injectable [contraceptive], I spend 5,000 Vatu one way, then 500 for medicine at hospital then I pay 5,000 Vatu to come back.” This is equivalent to over 100 AUD, which is unaffordable for most people like Alani. Village spokesperson, Jimmy, said that the community is grateful for the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) as they are the first medical team to visit the remote community. “I feel sorry for our mamas, they must spend so much money just to get medicine,” he said. “In our village, we have a lot of young single mothers and most of the time, trucks refuse to come up here because of the bad road. They must walk for two hours just to get to the main road, sometimes whilst pregnant, holding bags and their many children. This is why I invited VFHA to come here, so women don’t have to spend so much money and time just to get health services.” The outreach programme was part of VFHA’s humanitarian response to the cyclone. “We’ve been overwhelmed by the testimonies of hardships shared by the women in this community,” said Kalowi Kaltapangm VFHA Programme Manager. “Girls and women should not be paying over 100 AUD just to have access to sexual reproductive health services – it is not right. We thank Australia through DFAT for allowing us to reach more people post-disaster.” Jimmy added that the community is grateful for the VFHA visit and hopes they set up a clinic in Kumera. “After Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, we lost about 21 homes across the communities here and most of the food crops are gone. If you travel further, you will still see some families still in tents. People are still rebuilding their lives and it's hard to rebuild if women fall pregnant again.’ The VFHA response team reached a total of 21 communities and more than 3,000 beneficiaries across Tafea Province. This included mobile outreach to 15 communities on Tanna Island, three communities on Futuna and three communities in Aneityum.

| 07 August 2023
Sex: changing minds and winning hearts in Tanna, Vanuatu
“Very traditional.” These two words are often used to describe the people of Tanna in Vanuatu, one of the most populated islands in the small country in the Pacific. Between 1 and 5 March 2023, the Vanuatu islands were hit by two consecutive Category 4 cyclones (“Judy” and “Kevin”) with widespread damage to the northwest and northeastern islands. Authorities report that some 250,000 people were affected, representing more than 80 per cent of the population. Since 28 March, The Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) has been conducting their humanitarian response on Tanna. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, said that they are very surprised by their breakthrough with communities - especially with the men. “Tanna is known to be very traditional, even in the past it was almost impossible get access to these communities to talk about sex, but now it is slowly changing, and we are surprised. In our recent field visits, we have seen men step forward bringing their wives and even their daughters to get family planning!” says Ilaisa. Levi, a 47-year-old father, said that he brought his daughter to the VFHA site to get Jadelle [a long-acting contraceptive] because he does not want his daughter to fall pregnant. “After the cyclones, I saw pregnant mothers walking to the hospitals for check-ups and I told myself that I do not want that for my daughter. I do not want her to suffer if the boy runs away. Some men were talking about VFHA, and I was surprised that even though most were hesitant to get family planning for their daughters because it meant that they were able to have sex, they also did not want their daughters to suffer,” says Levi. Ilaisa added that they have seen more men step forward due to their work with community chiefs to ensure men attend the information sessions. “We talk to the men too, we educate them. Then after they go to nakamal (a traditional meeting place in Vanuatu used for gatherings and ceremonies), they tell all the men about what they learnt. I believe because people are still recovering from the cyclones, men have seen the firsthand challenges of women getting pregnant and the hardships of looking after a pregnant woman when you have lost everything after a cyclone. “ 31-year-old Rose, from Kumera, said that she is surprised her husband advocated for her to get family planning. “I can’t thank VFHA enough, my husband, who previously accused me of cheating when I told him I wanted to get family planning, is the same man who now wants me to get family planning. I thank VFHA for also speaking to the men as they are usually the problem when it comes to family planning!” says Rose. VFHA Programme Manager, Kalowi Kaltapang thanked his hardworking humanitarian team for their perseverance in breaking down barriers of sex in communities, but most importantly, the great support from DFAT in funding the humanitarian response. “It's always been tricky to engage men in these spaces, but I thank DFAT, IPPF and the hardworking VFHA humanitarian team, who are steadfast in their mission to ensure that everyone has access to SRH services.”

| 08 August 2023
Sex: changing minds and winning hearts in Tanna, Vanuatu
“Very traditional.” These two words are often used to describe the people of Tanna in Vanuatu, one of the most populated islands in the small country in the Pacific. Between 1 and 5 March 2023, the Vanuatu islands were hit by two consecutive Category 4 cyclones (“Judy” and “Kevin”) with widespread damage to the northwest and northeastern islands. Authorities report that some 250,000 people were affected, representing more than 80 per cent of the population. Since 28 March, The Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA) has been conducting their humanitarian response on Tanna. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, said that they are very surprised by their breakthrough with communities - especially with the men. “Tanna is known to be very traditional, even in the past it was almost impossible get access to these communities to talk about sex, but now it is slowly changing, and we are surprised. In our recent field visits, we have seen men step forward bringing their wives and even their daughters to get family planning!” says Ilaisa. Levi, a 47-year-old father, said that he brought his daughter to the VFHA site to get Jadelle [a long-acting contraceptive] because he does not want his daughter to fall pregnant. “After the cyclones, I saw pregnant mothers walking to the hospitals for check-ups and I told myself that I do not want that for my daughter. I do not want her to suffer if the boy runs away. Some men were talking about VFHA, and I was surprised that even though most were hesitant to get family planning for their daughters because it meant that they were able to have sex, they also did not want their daughters to suffer,” says Levi. Ilaisa added that they have seen more men step forward due to their work with community chiefs to ensure men attend the information sessions. “We talk to the men too, we educate them. Then after they go to nakamal (a traditional meeting place in Vanuatu used for gatherings and ceremonies), they tell all the men about what they learnt. I believe because people are still recovering from the cyclones, men have seen the firsthand challenges of women getting pregnant and the hardships of looking after a pregnant woman when you have lost everything after a cyclone. “ 31-year-old Rose, from Kumera, said that she is surprised her husband advocated for her to get family planning. “I can’t thank VFHA enough, my husband, who previously accused me of cheating when I told him I wanted to get family planning, is the same man who now wants me to get family planning. I thank VFHA for also speaking to the men as they are usually the problem when it comes to family planning!” says Rose. VFHA Programme Manager, Kalowi Kaltapang thanked his hardworking humanitarian team for their perseverance in breaking down barriers of sex in communities, but most importantly, the great support from DFAT in funding the humanitarian response. “It's always been tricky to engage men in these spaces, but I thank DFAT, IPPF and the hardworking VFHA humanitarian team, who are steadfast in their mission to ensure that everyone has access to SRH services.”

| 07 August 2023
Vanuatu cyclone response: The mental health toll on humanitarian providers
Girls and women from nearby villages flock to mobile health clinics set up by the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA). The response team from VFHA consists mostly of women, who have already been away from their families for over six weeks. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, mentally prepares her team for the long day ahead. The 12-member team, consisting of nine women and three men, have been conducting community outreach on Tanna Island, Vanuatu since 28 March 2023, as part of their humanitarian response to Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, which tore through Vanuatu. “Our team consists of nine mothers who have left their families to provide these essential services to vulnerable communities. When people visit us, we must put on a happy face to make them feel welcome but sometimes it gets hard,” says Ilaisa. Ilaisa said that the women in the medical team have been away from their homes for so long that their husbands would sometimes be overwhelmed with looking after the children and often would call the women on the team ‘selfish’ for choosing to leave their families. Sexual and reproductive health nurse, Cindy Mahi, said she sometimes feels bad for leaving her partner alone to look after the children. When she sees clients with their children, she says she feels homesick. “I call my family every morning, and sometimes my husband complains about me being away – and it really hurts, especially if I hear my children in the background asking when I will be back. I feel so guilty sometimes as a mother!” says Mahi. Ilaisa added that the stress from leaving their families is compounded by an intense working environment delivering vital sexual and reproductive healthcare to remote communities. “Our work is such that we leave our accommodation before sunrise and return after sunset. People are very tired and sometimes we are so busy helping clients that we often work through lunch to ensure we help everyone,” says Ilaisa. Mahi said that these are things people don’t see when they come to receive services. “When women come to see us for help, we put on a warm smile, but they do not know about the hardships we face. They do not see what is running at the back of our mind.” Ilaisa said when it comes to the mental health of the team, she ensures she is creating a safe space where her team members can openly share. “I offer counselling to them, and I encourage them to share the important work that they do in the field with their husbands, so they know exactly what they do. I sit there and listen to them and sometimes we cry together.” Ilaisa said that apart from counselling, she encourages the mothers to practice self-care by taking the weekend off and making sure they take adequate breaks throughout the day. “I tell them, if you feel you need to take a break in the middle of work – do it! When we debrief after our field work, we share the numbers of women who received SRH services, and the feeling of accomplishment is what makes our work worthwhile. When we hear these numbers it reminds us of our purpose, it reminds us of why we are here, and for a second, our family problems fade away because we know we are serving a purpose greater than ourselves.”

| 07 August 2023
Vanuatu cyclone response: The mental health toll on humanitarian providers
Girls and women from nearby villages flock to mobile health clinics set up by the Vanuatu Family Health Association (VFHA). The response team from VFHA consists mostly of women, who have already been away from their families for over six weeks. Team Leader, Enneth Ilaisa, mentally prepares her team for the long day ahead. The 12-member team, consisting of nine women and three men, have been conducting community outreach on Tanna Island, Vanuatu since 28 March 2023, as part of their humanitarian response to Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin, which tore through Vanuatu. “Our team consists of nine mothers who have left their families to provide these essential services to vulnerable communities. When people visit us, we must put on a happy face to make them feel welcome but sometimes it gets hard,” says Ilaisa. Ilaisa said that the women in the medical team have been away from their homes for so long that their husbands would sometimes be overwhelmed with looking after the children and often would call the women on the team ‘selfish’ for choosing to leave their families. Sexual and reproductive health nurse, Cindy Mahi, said she sometimes feels bad for leaving her partner alone to look after the children. When she sees clients with their children, she says she feels homesick. “I call my family every morning, and sometimes my husband complains about me being away – and it really hurts, especially if I hear my children in the background asking when I will be back. I feel so guilty sometimes as a mother!” says Mahi. Ilaisa added that the stress from leaving their families is compounded by an intense working environment delivering vital sexual and reproductive healthcare to remote communities. “Our work is such that we leave our accommodation before sunrise and return after sunset. People are very tired and sometimes we are so busy helping clients that we often work through lunch to ensure we help everyone,” says Ilaisa. Mahi said that these are things people don’t see when they come to receive services. “When women come to see us for help, we put on a warm smile, but they do not know about the hardships we face. They do not see what is running at the back of our mind.” Ilaisa said when it comes to the mental health of the team, she ensures she is creating a safe space where her team members can openly share. “I offer counselling to them, and I encourage them to share the important work that they do in the field with their husbands, so they know exactly what they do. I sit there and listen to them and sometimes we cry together.” Ilaisa said that apart from counselling, she encourages the mothers to practice self-care by taking the weekend off and making sure they take adequate breaks throughout the day. “I tell them, if you feel you need to take a break in the middle of work – do it! When we debrief after our field work, we share the numbers of women who received SRH services, and the feeling of accomplishment is what makes our work worthwhile. When we hear these numbers it reminds us of our purpose, it reminds us of why we are here, and for a second, our family problems fade away because we know we are serving a purpose greater than ourselves.”