This statement was prepared by the International Medical Advisory Panel (IMAP) and approved in November 2024.
Abortion after 13 weeks’ gestation is a key component of comprehensive abortion care. Also referred to as second trimester abortion or later abortion, abortions after 13 weeks constitute 10-15% of all induced abortions worldwide, although rates may be up to 40% in some settings. Despite it being less common, two-thirds of all major abortion-related complications occur after 13 weeks, which are responsible for nearly half of all abortion-related deaths. The majority of these abortion deaths and related complications occur in countries where legal restrictions are the most severe and where there is a high prevalence of unsafe abortion.
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) supports the rights of women and other people who become pregnant to end their pregnancy, and their right to be able to access safe abortion care when needed, including at later gestations. Pregnancy can be ended safely in the majority of cases regardless of gestational duration although risks associated with abortion complications increase as a pregnancy advances, particularly if the abortion procedure is unsafe. Gestational limits in policies and laws restrict access to care, often forcing women and pregnant people to turn to unsafe abortion.
This statement is intended to support and guide IPPF Member Associations (MAs) and other SRHR and women’s organizations, including those providing information and services, engaged in advocacy and/or partnering with governments and other key stakeholders. It is designed to raise awareness on the importance of abortion care after 13 weeks’ gestation and provide service providers and advocates with information and tools to support the provision of abortion services beyond 13 weeks.