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Statement on the ongoing violence in Sudan

Urgent and immediate steps must be taken to deescalate the violence to avoid further civilian causalities including that of aid relief workers.

“We at IPPF are thinking of Sudanese colleagues and civilians trapped in a horrific situation right now in Khartoum and across Sudan with air strikes and gun battles around the city. Urgent and immediate steps must be taken to de-escalate the violence to avoid further civilian causalities including that of aid relief workers. Those on the frontline delivering much-needed care must be able to do so without becoming a target.

Our local partner, the Sudan Family Planning Association, has already taken the ingenuity to devise a database of operational midwives and facilities for pregnant women who are due to deliver babies at any moment. We are closely monitoring the situation and are poised to respond," said IPPF Director-General Alvaro Bermejo.

To learn more about the work Sudan Family Planning Association is doing with refugees fleeing Ethiopia, click here


Related Member Association

Sudan Family Planning Association