When the Association Tchadienne pour le Bien-Être Familial (ASTBEF) was formed in 1991, no one was under any illusions that it was faced with an almost impossible task as the international indices for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) demonstrate. Some suggested that it would be overwhelmed and would simply not survive. Over 20 years down the line, the organisation is thriving, thanks in large part to an immensely committed team of staff, over 1,000 volunteers, peer educators, and a strong youth action movement.
The organisation runs static clinics and a number of mobile operations which offer voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV, post-abortion care, antenatal and post-natal care, treatment of opportunistic infections, treatment of male and female infertility, pre-marital counselling, and advocacy against harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation and gender based violence. ASTBEF has made a considerable impact on the country’s SRH activity by integrating family planning with maternal and infant health, HIV and AIDS services, and youth-friendly education programmes and service provision.
ASTBEF works in partnership with the government’s Global Fund National Coordination Council, and the High Commission for Population and Human Resources National Reproductive Health Programme Supporting Committee. Non-governmental organisation (NGO) links include the Comité d’information et de liaison and the Organisation des Acteurs non Etatiques (OANET). Private sector partners include PPFAI, NACA, HAPAC, SFH, The Central Bank of Nigeria, CAP Plc, and Nigeria Breweries, and donors who support ASTBEF’s work include UNFPA, UNICEF, PNUD, Médecins du Monde, the US Embassy, PSR, GTZ, the Ministry of Social Action and Family Affairs.

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