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Member association

Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPASL) complements Sri Lanka’s government health services with 5,300 services points: 6 permanent facilities, 6 mobile units and thousands of communi...

The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPASL) complements Sri Lanka’s government health services with 5,300 services points: 6 permanent facilities, 6 mobile units and thousands of community-based distributors/services (CBDs/CBSs). It focuses on reaching the most vulnerable groups in society.

Clinics offer a comprehensive range of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. These include contraception, counselling, diagnostic services, HIV and STI screening and voluntary counselling and testing (VCT).

FPA Sri Lanka works closely both with the Ministry of Health and decentralized government agencies. The government recognizes FPA Sri Lanka as one of the ‘mother’ non-governmental organizations (NGOS), working in SRH, nurturing smaller NGOs across the country.

The Member Association promotes family planning as a basic human right. It addresses key SRH and relationship issues faced by young people via school and youth-centre based workshops and through the Happy Life Contact Centre. This centre provides information on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to the general public through a range of new media tools).

FPA Sri Lanka advocates to increase political commitment to reproductive health education (with political and religious leaders). It promotes female empowerment, it seeks to eradicate unsafe abortion and liberalise abortion laws, and it aims to foster community involvement in projects. Additionally, it runs regular training sessions for staff, volunteers and personnel from outside organizations working in the SRH field.

FPA Sri Lanka has developed a highly successful contraceptive retail sales programme, backed by major media campaigns, supplying around 60% of the condoms and 90% of the oral contraceptives sold in Sri Lanka.



Website: www.fpasrilanka.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fpasrilanka
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FPA_SriLanka









37/27 Bullers Lane, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka

Member Association Services Available

Youth-friendly services

Safe abortion care

Comprehensive Sex Education

Contraceptive care